Surprise surprise it's still raining. Can't complain too much, it's Seattle and you have to expect this. Still, this morning was nice, am loving new apartment because I woke up to a glorious vista of snow covered mountains and shiny skyscrapers, but then the drizzle arrived.
Now I need coffee, and probably more sleep. The darker geek in me discovered DosBox, which lead to a few experiments. Either I'm having an early midlife crisis, or my life is so dull I need to reclaim my youth, but for the past month or so I've been fiddling with Amiga emulators. In particular WinUAE, now I'd probably get this to work given effort but I'm running a beta of Windows Vista and the whole thing refuses to work. But yesterday I stumbled across Abandonia, this website was fan-flipping-tastic. After directing me to the previously mentioned
DosBox to emulate ye olde DOS 6.x, I moved onto exploring their games lists, these are ancient games which have slipped beyond budget and into the ether of "abandonware", which basically means nobody can be bothered with them anymore. Some still require purchase, or simply arent available for various reasons, others are in the process of stunning remakes, like Cinemaware's "It Came From The Desert". Unfortunately my whole evening was taken over by Populous and Mega-lo-mania, two of my favourite games ever. God knows what will happen if I get Settlers 2 working (it works but it's too slow to be playable).
Obviously whenever you go back to a childhood dream at a sensible age there's always that risk that it wont be as good as you remember it will.. not the case this time.
Put it this way, I have a boxed Amiga 1200 sitting at my dad's house in the UK. It's now going to be on the shipping list for relocation... :)
Anybody who used to have an Amiga, or simply craves the older games which were actually more fun.. you'll find an abundance of point and click adventures, strategy games, and puzzle style things over at abandonia. Go... you owe it to your inner geek.. or something.
Now I need szzzbctts..
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