Friday, February 9, 2007

I cant feel my legs..

Today was an interesting one. Big day.. crunch day in fact.

The company has decided, in their divine wisdom in my role of "Global Solutions Director" (oooh), that I should really be doing it from the USA. Which most people already know, but this is only possible if I have a US Visa. So today was my day with the US Embassy begging to be let into their country.

For a start the lead up to this was frighteningly stressful, the paper work from our US Attorney's handling my application only arrived at 7pm last night, giving me just enough time to get everything photocopied at the office, and get my photo taken.

Left stupidly early because I was paranoid, travelling from Bedfordish to London, this would normally take me 3 hours, and my appointment was at 11am, so leaving at 7:30 was still cutting it far too fine for my liking. Oddly there was NO traffic, and I arrived in London at 9;30. Just enough time to get a cup of coffee and panic a bit more.

Without going into the whole process in too much detail it took me almost 4 hours at the Embassy, but 3:45 of that was just standing around in line or waiting.

Upside is, I'm all stamped through, approved and just waiting for my passport back.

On the whole it's been very emotional and very scary... also it's very weird not having a passport

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