Deeee dooo deee doo... sorry breaking out into a spot of Faithless there. Anyhoo, so the subject of today's post is my abject lack of sleep. I have insomnia, what's more worrying is they seem to be coupled with some kind of stress/lack of breeting anxiety attack thingies which are frankly terrifying. I'm usually immune to this kind of stuff, but I think finally everything's got on top of me. Obviously there's my utter utter relationship disaster which isnt recovering or showing any signs of recovery in the near future, there has been the stress around the Visa and all the paper work on top of it.

There's the problem with my car being bent and the fact that however much that costs prevents me from having furniture and things to live on when I get back to Bellevue. Which will be quite comical.. huge apartment with a stunning view, but sadly nothing to sit on to admire it!
Then there's work, which has given me a mammoth impossible task to perform which is frankly driving me nuts.
My lovely Oiiiirrrish friend has been very supportive and nice, dragging me out for a drink here and there and generall listening to this sorry tale unfold.

Oh also World of Warcraft is back in my life which means I now spend most of my time thinking im an elf. If I suddenly kick a pedestrian to death and wonder why it didnt drop any interesting items and start asking people for quest items then I probably need help. What's more worrying is that this time i picked a female character. Either I'm becoming confused about my sexuality (extremely unlikely) or I'm just perving over a computer game character running about in front of me (more likely).
Either way, it's all very emotional and I probably need either help, or a holiday, or both.
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